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JUST LED moduLight 1-1200 - 100 x 40 cm

JUST LED moduLight 1-1200 - 100 x 40 cm
JUST LED moduLight 1-1200 - 100 x 40 cmJUST LED moduLight 1-1200 - 100 x 40 cm
Vejl. udsalgspris   12.375,00 Kr.
  • Pris pr. stk ved køb af 1 Stk12.375,00  Kr.ekskl. moms og miljøbidrag
Forventet leveringstid: 14 Hverdag(e)
Ring til os: 36 86 80 80

Beskrivelse af JUST LED moduLight 1-1200 - 100 x 40 cm

  • No operating hours meter, no expensive replacement lamps, and no more red warning lamps. Now you can match colours withour worrying for years. The LED luminaire combines the high illuminance level of diodes with special Fresnel lenses for optimum homogeneity in illumination and minor reflection behavior. The continuously high light quality of the LEDs far exceeds the minimum requirements according to ISO 3664:2009 and ISO 3668. The mix of multiple coloured LEDs generates an even more harmonious and complete light spectrum than that of conventional fluorescent lamps.

    - Unique LED light technology by JUST, Fogra certified to ISO 3664:2009, Pat. No. US 8,592,748 B2
    - Switchable light: D50 and D65 according to ISO 3664 and ISO 3668
    - UV content can be enabled or disabled for either illuminant regarding new and old ISO standard
    - Continuously dimming and USB connection for soft proofing applications
    - No colour shifts while dimming
    - No preheating after turning on
    - 20x longer operating life despite to fluorescent lamps (> 50.000 h)
    - Stable light output during the entire lifespan
    - Annual relamping not required
    - Best for medium and large formats
    - Extremely homogeneous as well as glare- and reflection-free illumination, thanks to Fresnel-type prismatic lens
    - Including lamp suspended from the ceiling by wire
    - 2000 lux illuminance according to ISO standard
    - Colour Rendering Index (CRI) Ra ? 95
    - Exact colour coordinates (10°):
    - D50: x = 0.3478 / y = 0.3595 (? 0,002)
    - D65: x = 0.3138 / y = 0.3309 (? 0,002)
    - Low metamerism index in the visible range: ? 0.8 (MIvis)
    - Low metamerism index in the UV range: ? 0.6 (MIuv)
    - external controller "LED Remote Control" (available optionally)
    (W x H x D: 33 x 12 x 4 cm)
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